Sal The Silly Goose
  Give Me Something Good to Eat!

It's All Hallows Eve guys! Yes, we are too old to go around the the neighborhood and say "Trick or Treat", but we still get lots of candy without doing the hard work. Make sure you eat lots of candy but don't get sick. Yesterday, I volunteered at the zoo and had a blast. It was a lot of fun giving out candy to all the kids who were having a good time themselves. Our creativity in giving out candy definently made us the best booth and help passed the time. I never realized how many people love Blow-Pops until yesterday. I can't possibly count how amny times I heard people say, "Blow Pops! Those are my favorites." There were tons of adults who asked for one as the walked by, too. We started with 7200 Blow Pops! When there were two hours left and we still had 3000 or so left, we started giving away handfuls of them. We even gave a whole box to one kid. Most times all 4 of us would give each kid one. I can't think of a better, easier, or more fun way to get the 40 hours of service I need. After we were done, we trick-or-treated ourselves. I got a whole box of Aiheads from Ben and a whole thing of Starburst from another volunteer. Then we took a ride on the the train. The guy had to stop the train because someone (cough cough) didn't keep there hands inside the vehicle at all times. haha. The night was a lot of fun.
1. Follow the Yellow Brick Road- Dorothy, and the Munchkins.
Yes, I can sing it to you if you want me to. I only heard it a couple hundred times yesterday. We got stuck in the booth right before the Oz section and they had the song playing well over and hour before the actual kids come all the way up to the time we left. It didn't get as annoying as I thought it would be, but don;t be surprised if I starting humming it in the coming months.
2. Breathe In- Palo Alto
3. Leaving New York- REM
4. Motorcycle Drive By- Third Eye Blind
5. Theif- Our Lady Peace
Thats all for now. Later.
  Busy, But Bored Wow, this week went by fast. School is getting to the point where its becoming one big routine. Days just come one after the other which out anything to tell them apart. It's keeps things busy, but I must say that its amazingly dull. Things happened this week, but nothing that got me too excited. So here comes the week in review, weekend report, and look ahead all in one.

On Wednesday and Thursday, Tony and I went to show our support for then Saint X soccer team. Thier first opponent was the Bears of Butler. I got to see some of my friends play for Butler as well as my St. X friends. We ended up routing them 8-1, but the game was a lot of fun. The outcome wasn't as good on Thursday, as we lost to Manual. On Wednesday. I got to hang out wiht Christain though for the last time. He left today after school to go back to Denmark.

The weekend doesn't look like its gonna be anything special. Definently nothing like any of the past few I've had. Earlier today me and Matt used my artistic skills and his cutting skills to create the "First Annual Sal the Silly Goose-o-Latern." I will have a picture of it up in the coming days. And tonite I made use of my Kentucky Kingdom pass before it closes on Sunday. It was alright, nothing to exciting. I'm reffing my final two games of the soccer season tomorrow and making a little more money. Tomorrow afternoon and night, I am volunteering at the Zoo Halloween Party. Thats a big 6 and a half hours of service (3-9:30) out of the 40 I have to do. So that will keep me from doing anything tomorrow night, especially since I have to no way to find out whats going on anyway.

Next week, I get to miss three days of school for Christian Awakening Retreat. I'm looking forward to this and it should be a fun, unique experience. I'll write all about it next weekend, but for now, I'm out.

  Here is What I Think. Warning: Political Rant

The biggest election in quite sometime is bearing down on the nation. We have exactly one week until every person who has a brain goes out to their local polling location and lets their voice be heard. The bottom line is that you must vote. It may not be for the candidate I agree with, but as long as your views (the majority of them, not just one large view) match up with the candidate you vote for or you would vote for if you could. Here is my view on the election, take it how you wish but please keep an open mid when reading it.

In my mind there is one big flaw in the way people choose which candidate they vote for. The look at only a few major issues and not the entire platform the candidate is running on. Yes, you may know Bush is pro-war, anit-abortion, but do the rest of his views match up with yours? There may be a major discrepincy in your views that you have not bothered to check out. Before you decided, learn about all the issues. You should be voting for the candidate with the most views that match yours, and not base it entirely on the one who wants to/or not to blow Iraq off the face of the earth. This is the future of our country for the next four years atleast, maybe longer. Choose wisely.

Now, its time to get down to the nitty gritty. Who am I for and why? Your about to find out. No, my views are not based solely on what I learn from my parents like most young people today. And no, I do not get my information from only one source. I try to stay away from FOX news as much as possible, but I can't help it when my dad decides to watch it. I will write on the issues I am familar with. Be prepared, my rant begins now.

Overall, I believe Kerry deserves to be the 43rd President of the United States. He has proven over this long campaign trail that he is the best candidate for the job, and I have info to back that up. He has stood firmly for what he believes in and truly works for the betterment of the entire nation. On the other hand, Bush has repeatedly let down our nation over the past four years, sometimes with blatant lies. There were no WMD's in Iraq and there never will be. Our nation is no safer than we were before his attempts to protect us, it has only put us in a deeper state of fear. We have changed how we live our daily lives as Americans so we will be 'safe.' Ultimately, the terrorists have deafeated us. This is exactly what they set out to do and they accomplished it. The 'War in Iraq' has been a debacle. First off, the war is in no way justifiable. This is obvious because we had little to no support when we began to rain bombs down on the innocent people of Iraq. Secondly, Mr. Bush has put the lives of thousands of US Service Men and Women in the line of danger for the support of an unjust cause. By ordering this war, Bush has "disregared the Internatioanl Treaties and Institutions that the United States has worked for over a half century to build" and "asserted that American interests trump those of any other country." Yes, support the troops but do no support this unjust 'war on terror'.

Now, its time for some issues that affect the every day lives of ordinary people like you and me, or issues that will affect our futures. Both candidates oppose gay mariage, but Mr. Bush has taken the issue to far. He wants to make an ammendment that bans their right to marriage. That is absolute and total bullshit. Every person in this nation, as stated by the Constitution, has a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" This ring a bell for anyone? Where does he get the nerve to take away someone right to find happiness in their life? This ammendment would never directlly affect my own life, but it would many others lives. If or if not a gay person get married affects my life in NO WAY. So why do we have to make an ammendment to block something that makes someones life better, if it affects our lives in no way? Because Mr. Bush is a bigot. Thats all there is to it. If we can not even get along with citizens of our own country and respect each other, how do we ever hope to gain world peace. Bush tries to tell us his "war on terror' is for the sake of peace, but he isn't even trying to promote peace in our own homes. There in lies his obvious double standards.

Obviously, life is not to important to Mr. Bush. He has already sent off thousands to die in Iraq, hundreds to death in Texas because he "enthusiastically supports the death penalty", and is an avid supporter the NRA and their gun toting idiots. A main priority of any person running for President should be stricter gun laws. Guns, along with drugs, are the biggest problems in society today that could be controlled. European nations control their guns and look how low there murder rate is each year. There is no way that you can argue guns don't cause most of the murder deaths in our country. They are a problem, and we should get rid of them as best we can.

As for the issue that most directly affects us at our current age: education. Most of you who are reading this attend or have attended private schools. Mr. Bush wants to create a program that gives public money to parents of public school children so they can attend private schools. Our parents have worked hard to allow us to go to a private school, and now Mr. Bush wants to dilute our schools with public school students? Not for the money my parents pay, no thanks. Kerry opposes this legislation. Next, Kerry actually has a plan for making college tuition cheaper. Bush has nothing of the sort. Kerry wants to create a program that gives students tax credits on tuition paid for college. I'm sure I don't want to have lots of college debt, so this looks promising to me. It also makes college affordable for those who may not be able attend otherwise.

As for the issues on the enviroment, it seems Bush is on a campaign to destroy the earth. He has done nothing to help resource depletion, eroded existing clean water, clean air, and conservation standards. He only cares about the needs of his big corportation allies in the logging and oil industries. Kerry has the highest congressional ratings from the League of Conservation Voters.

On the whole, America is in need of some desperate change. The rest of the world is cathcing up with us and our "we don't need them" attitude doesn't help our relationship. Unemployment is up, the deficit is enormous, and we are fogetting about the needs of our nation. Its time for someone new to guide our country in the right direction. Vote for what you believe in, vote Kerry!
  Sincerely, Me How goes it guys? It's time for the weekly weekend update. Today is October 24, 2004; one week from All Hollows Eve. Fall is in full swing now, and the best it has to offer has come along for the ride. Soccer season is coming to a close which means only one more weekend of work for me. Just in time for me to to have to ref games in the freezing cold. I've experienced playing in stuff like that to last me a lifetime. But I'm going ot bet it is really cold Saturday moring. There is always that one day every soccer season that is unbleivably cold, and we haven;t had it yet. So that ought to be fun. The leaves are falling fast and the rain we have been getting lately will soon turn to snow. I'm betting we get snow in the first two weeks of November.

But now, onto the weekend report. After a long boring week of school, the weekend was recieved well. The first event on the agenda was the St. X soccer game versus Manual in the district final. The team never really seemed to get going and lost 2-0. It's not bad though becasue we are still in it and our next opponent is Butler. Now I can go watch the next game and see the St. X soccer team as well as 3 guys that were on my Okolona team last season. That should be fun. After the game, Athanasis, Christian, Andreas, and I headed to Teresa's birthday party. I had never met her before, but Lisa and Phil had both told me about the party so I thought I'd go. I'm really glad I did because it was LOTS of fun. There were lots of people I knw there, and I met a lot of people I didn't know. And the cookie cake was good too. I think I ate too much of it though. We left there at 11:45 and A brought me home. Then I unfortunately had to see my sister who had come home that no. Man did that suck. Ha.

On Saturday I reffed two soccer games in the morning and made a little money. I'm glad I only had two games because it was cold out and it started to rain at 11:15 and didn't stop til a lot later. A third game would have sucked in the cold and rain. Later that night, I went over Lisa's to hang out. Earlier that day they went up to Huber's to get pumpkin. The rain must have made that interesting. While they carved there pumpkins, I beat Colin in some pool and ping pong. I'm just unstoppable. Julie, where is the other bat that is supossed to be on your pumpkin? Haha. After that we watched the remake of The Shining. That movie has the slowest first half of any movie I've ever seen. Get to the point already. The end is very entertaining and sorta creepy. When we put in the 2nd DVD we were pretty sure it had skipped some parts but we weren't postive. But today, it was showing on the Sci-fi channel and sure enough I was watching a part of the movie that we didn't see last night.

Today has been just been a pretty normal Sunday. The Jaguars were on TV for the fourth time this year. Already eclipsing the amount of times they were on last year by 3. They pulled off a huge victory by beating the Colts 27-24 off a 53 yard FG by rookie kicker Josh Scobee. That catapulted them to first in the divison and kept them from falling way behind. Game 2 of the World Series tonight and I've got the Cards for a 5-3 win. Well, thats my weekend. Hope your was good too. I'm out.

What I'm Listening to:
1. Man of the Hour- Pearl Jam
2. Sincerely, Me- Better than Ezra
3. Blinded- Third Eye Blind

Have a great week!

  Changing of the Guard As you know, I love change. Keeping something for to long makes me bored. I also consider myself to be pretty creative, so I like to try out new ideas for the site. Welcome to version 6 of Sal the Silly Goose. I topped the whole project off with a brand-spanking new banner. It turned out just as I wanted to. It's probably my best one to date. Let me know what you think.

The biggest news of the day is definently the BoSox/Yankees series. I'm pumped for the game tonight. I really hope it isn't a total letdown. It would suck if this incredible series ended with a crappy game, even if the BoSox were the victors. I can't wait until "The Curse" is broken so i don't have to hear about it anymore. Maybe its jsut that the BoSox don't know how to win the big game. We'll find out tonight I guess. October truly is baseballs month. It amazes me how much better baseball truly is in the playoffs. Every game is exciting, even 6 hour games in which even the blimp has to leave before its over. There are so many October baseball games. Where do the last two Evil Empire/Sox games rank? And lets not forget about that gem form the Cards and Astros. Game in 24 minutes! Yes!

Now, I will move on to a topic that has been disturbing me lately. People who say they love music, but haven't even listened to classic rock/oldies nor respect it. The reasons they have for not liking it are ridicualous. I'm not gonna go on a huge rant though because I've decided I'm gonna ask Mr. Mattingly if i can do a article on it for the paper. So thats all for now.

  Wind Sucks. I'm going to let you in on a little secret I learned this weekend, wind sucks. UIUC is located in a place where hills are non-existant. Where there are no hills, there is nothing to stop the wind. And when the wind never stops, it is really freaking cold. Remember to thank the hills in Louisville next time you see one. They do more than you think. This revelation really set in as I stood for 3 hours while watching the UIUC football team play Michigan. The first of the game, very much like the UofL game, was excellent. Lots of good plays and a lot of solid football. But then they didn't come to play in the 2nd half. Michigan came back in the second to win the game 30-19. The game, even with a loss and the cold, was lots of fun. The Illini fans know how to have a good time even though there team isn't the greatest.

The whole weekend was lots of fun. I did leanr I'm not very good at sitting on my ass though. I hate sitting around knowing I could be doing something useful. Useful in a very broad sense of the word. But it was nice to have a change of pace and surrounding. On the ride up to Urbana-Champaign I listened to the CD's I burned the night before. A song I really recommend you listen to (suggested to me by Justin) is New Slang by The Shins. The ride up went by fairly quickly. We arrived and is was cold jsut like I thought it would be. So, then Dad left and we sat around and chatter til dinner time. We met up with two of my borthers friends and got some food. That night we just stayed in and watched the Louisville/Miami game. What a letdown. On Friday, we played some baseball and went to a party. On Saturday, we went to the footballl game and threw an impromptu party in my borthers dorm and just chilled. It was a very relaxing, fun weekend.

On Sunday, The Jags beat the Chiefs and I got my a Fighting Illini hat. And the ride home was really long. Not much else to say. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

  Round Here The week is over! Hooray for that. I'm sitting here after I decided not to go see Donnie Darko becasue I needed to get some stuff done. Not getting stuff done, probably should have gone. Oh well, maybe I'll eventually get down to business. I thought I would write a blog and bring my readers up to date on the happenings in my life.

Today, we got to take the PSAT. It was as I thought it would be. Math was pretty straightforward, but the reading comprehension was difficult. It didn't help that the passages were very hard to read. Who knows how I did though, everyone seemed to think it was pretty hard. After the PSAT, we were let out of school and we get the rest of the week off. I think we deserve a break. As most know, I'm headed up to Urbana-Champaign for the long weekend. I plan to take it easy and have no worries for a weekend. Not having to make plans to do stuff makes life so much easier. I guess I'll get a head start on aquainting myself with cold weather, too. We are going to watch the UofI/Michigan football game on Saturday, so that should be fun. Who knows what else the weekend has in store. We'll just have to wait and see. I am planning to make some CD's for the way up there if I ever get around to it. Phil has inspired me to listen to Third Eye Blind lately, so I'll put that on there somewhere along wiht some Dashboard Confessional. While we are on the music topic, listen to Green Days new CD, American Idiot. It is very good.

While I'm at the UofI, there are some big things happening around town. Most importantly, there is a huge district game versus Manual this Friday. A win here would be huge and really help the Tigers run to the State Championship. Golf won the State Championship last week and the soccer and cross country teams both have a good shot at winning also. That would be really awesome. I will also have to miss out on the SHA dance this weekend. Unfortunately, I had to turn down Mary's invitation because of my already mentioned plans to visit Greg this weekend. I wish I could go to the dance because it would be a lot of fun and I have never been to a SHA dance before. Guess I'll have to go to the next one.

So now I will enlighten you on my past weekend. On Friday night, I headed down to the Waterfront with A, Justin, and Mike. We played Frisbee for a while wiht some totally random people we didn't know. We totally dominated the game. Then we played some football with some Trinty folk, and the outcome of the game was jsut like the other game. We won and I had an amazing TD catch. There is no doubt it was the Play of the Year. Now to Saturday, which was quite the odd experience. Here was the plan:

We were going to Waverly, and Kristen was giving me a ride. Kristen, two of her friends, and I were going to meet some of our other friends up there.

Here is how it happened:

We get there, but they are not there yet. Then we find out that the performance of a friend's band they were watching before they came was behind schedule. So here we are at Waverly, on Dixie Highway, and they are 35 minutes away and haven't left yet. So we decide we will wait for them. We spend the next hour listening to music, beating stuff with Kristen's field hockey stick, and other random stuff to pass the time. Eventually, we decided to sit on the top of Scott's van. The exact reason eludes me now. Maybe it was jsut because we were bored, or maybe we were trying to find the people we were meeting. So its been about an hour and half, there is no sign of the people we are meeting and te line is supposedly a couple hours long. Thats when we decided to leave. Our plan now is to head to Sonic for some food. Most of the time there is spent making fun of the wierd and scary epople that work at sonic. They probably heard us considering the door was open. So from there, we had no clue what to do. It was only 10:30, so we wanted to do something. Finally we jsut decided to come back here because it was the closest place. So for an hour or so me, kristen, and david played Mario Kart. hah. I went undeafeted. But Kristen also did amazingly well, coming in second 5 out of 7 times. It took David 6 times to not come in last place. And on Sunday, I got to meet A's foreign exchange student.

Well thats it. Leave me a comment cause I won't be in town for a while. Leave something, anything you'd like.

  The Movies are back! 1-10 The Movie countdown has returned to finish its run due to popular demand. We are gonna round out the final ten now, here we go:

[10] Meet the Parents: It had so much god damn laquer on it, it was an accident waiting to happen.

A character full of bad luck trying to impress and overbearing father-in-law is a equation for hilarity. The movie is no stop laughs and features some of the best scenes of any comedy. So just remember, "It's just a game focker!"

[9] Terminator 2: He Said He'd Be Back.

Ahhhnold makes his return, but this time he is a good guy. The addition of the practically indestructible foe who can change into whatever he pleases and automatically heal wounds its pretty cool. An action packed film full of explosions, chase scenes, and lots of destrcution. Sounds good to me.

[8] Jurassic Park: Dinosaur Themparks are not a good idea.

A movie about deadly dinosaurs on the loose chasing puny humans is bound to be good, right? Right. Steven Speilberg crafts yet another fine film and John Williams creates what possibly could be his best theme song.

[7] Office Space: PC Load Letter, what the fuck does that mean?

There is only one word needed to describe this movie: HILARIOUS! From Milton to Peter to
Samir Na-"ot gonna work here anymore", this movie is full of colorful characters. Tons of memorable and funny quotes come from this movie, even though many are repeated far to often. This movie is funny no matter how many times you have seen it. I would watch it right now if I owned it. It is quite possible it is showing on Comedy Central at this moment.

[6] Bonnie and Clyde: The end is all you need.

I can't remember when I first saw this, but it was after I heard about the amazing scene at the end of the movie. The movie is about two bank robbers who are also lovers, but that is not what is important. To keep this short, they get the living shit blown out of them at the end of the movie. Watch it, now.

[5] Se7en: Murder and Theology in One Great Movie.

Morgan Freeman makes his first appearence of the countdown, but not his last. This movie is just downright creepy. A man is murdering people who are each an example of one of the seven deadly sins. I will never forgot the fat man in his basement, rotting away in his own filth. That was pretty disgusting. A movie with a interesting plot and the murders are cool too.

[4] Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade: All good, but this one is the best.

Indiana Jones is a straight up pimp. He always figured out a way to defeat the enemy in incredible fashion, but at the same time always got the girl. I've always found the Indiana Jones trilogy to be exciting to watch. The movies are lcoated in exoctic locations and have great scenes. Above all, who doesn't enjoy watching Indiana whoop up on those Nazis.

[3] The Rock: My Most Favorite Action Movie.

I will admit, most Nicholas Cage movies suck. But with the addition of Sean Connery, this movie kicks butt. 1 large city+ a dozen or so Ex-soldiers with a couple nukes+the good guys+ one abandoned prison on an island=lots of action and a little drama. Sean Connery adds a little humour to this action packed movie with plenty of heart pounding moments. I'm just going to add that there is no way I would be able to jab that large needle into my heart.

[2] Forrest Gump: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get.

This quote works in most cases, but not this one. Everytime you watch this movie you know were your going to get: an awesome film. Tom Hanks performance as the "slow" Forrest Gump is a delight to watch. You travel through his life as he experiences war and peace, love and heartbreak. His experiences are like none anyone else has experienced and the movie is a must see.

[1] The Shawshank Redemption: I guess it comes down to a simple choice then. Get busy living or get busy dying! <>

Morgan Freeman's performance as Red in this movie is the single best performance in my book. He plays the character so well and the narrations are brillaint. If you have never seen this movie, do it now. It has everything in it that makes a movie great. Humour, drama, action, and suspense. And the good guy wins in the end. Its jsut an overall AMAZING MOVIE!

In other news, I won the Student Phone Directory Art Contest! I am now $25 dollars richer and will be signing autographs when the phone directories come out.

Also, in my next blog I will begin my countdown of the "Top 100 Songs You Need to Download." Therefore, all the songs may not be quality songs, jsut good songs to listen to. Some may be funny, others inspirational, others just great songs. Look forward to that.
  And I'm Spent. The weekend is slowly coming to an end, and I have absolutely zero energy. A party plus a dance plus little sleep equals a very tiring, but extremely exciting weekend. Lets begin with Friday night and the hopping party at the TB. What is TB you ask? The Taco Bell. My friend Phil had turned 17 the Tuesday before and had been planning this party for a couple weeks. At firsy I was a little skeptical of a party at Taco Bell, but man was I proved wrong. First we'll start with a little background info. Phil is obsessed with Taco Bell and visits his local TB a few times a week. He still has never given me a good answer on why he is obsessed with the TB, so I will continue to ponder it for days on end. So the party was set to begin at the TB at 10 on Friday night. I showed up at about 9:45 and people were already taking over the Taco Bell. By the end of the night, I would guess we had up to 75 people in Taco Bell at one time. I wonder went through the minds of the people who were passing by and saw that many people standing front of Taco Bell and especially the grand total of three other groups that came into the stroe the entire night. One guy even stopped to wish Phil a happy birthday as he came through the drive thru. Overall, the party was a smashing success. It was a very original idea that worked perfectly and provided us with an eciting Friday night.

Sleep on Friday Night- 2 a.m til 8 a.m

Now, I will give you a play by play analysis of my "Can you feel the love tonight Dance" Saturday day/night/early morning of Sunday. So here goes it:

8 a.m- Wake up. Ref two soccer games; earn $33 (which is exactly what I spent on the dance.)

12: 30p.m- Get home. Eat lunch.

1:30-3:15- Take a much needed nap.

3:15-3:50- Wake up. Take a shower. Get ready for the dance.

3:50-4:50- Spent one hour trying to locate and get to Athanasis's house. Very difficult considering Map Quest gave us shitty directions.

5-6:30- Leave A's house. Go pick up his date. Go pick up my date. Go pick up Justin and his date. Head to Buckhead's.

6:30-8:15: Eat dinner with Phil, Andrew, A, Mike, Scott, Siram, Neil, Justin, and Jimmy. Leave for the dance.

8:15-8:45- Have some difficulty navigating outseves ot teh KFEC. We did make it though.

8:45-Midnight- Get my groove on. Everyone there can attest to the fact that I was the best dancer in the entire place. The dance was really fun and I'm really glad I decided to go.

Midnight- 2 am- Drive ourselves to Ten Pin for our Lat Night Bowling Extravaganza. Phil won, but of course he cheated. I amzed that I got the ball down the entire lane all but one time. Man, was I tired. I rolled a 83, possibly. I can't exactly remember. But I have to admit by oufti was amazingly cool. White T-shirt wiht my sports coat and bowling shoes. I though I sorta resembled Ben Stein.

2-2:15- Take Olivia home while everyone else is taking their dates home. Me, Mike, Neil, and A wait for the other guys at Steak and Shake so we can drive back to his house. Picked up a hat for myslef.

2:30-3:00- Make our way to A's house.

3:00-5- Waste the rest of the night away as Phil strummed us some tunes on his guitar. Played a little ping-pong.

Amount of sleep: 3 hours of actual good sleep.

So, there is my weekend folks. Very excitng and lots of fun. But now I have absolutely no energy and school is bound to be very boring and long tomorrow. Wis me luck!

Where is the Watch the Lamb, you ask? I don't really know. Maybe he will return fro Lent next year. For now, we have Sal the Silly Goose to keep us company. Put your hands to together for him and give him a warm welcome.
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