Sal The Silly Goose
  And I'm Spent. The weekend is slowly coming to an end, and I have absolutely zero energy. A party plus a dance plus little sleep equals a very tiring, but extremely exciting weekend. Lets begin with Friday night and the hopping party at the TB. What is TB you ask? The Taco Bell. My friend Phil had turned 17 the Tuesday before and had been planning this party for a couple weeks. At firsy I was a little skeptical of a party at Taco Bell, but man was I proved wrong. First we'll start with a little background info. Phil is obsessed with Taco Bell and visits his local TB a few times a week. He still has never given me a good answer on why he is obsessed with the TB, so I will continue to ponder it for days on end. So the party was set to begin at the TB at 10 on Friday night. I showed up at about 9:45 and people were already taking over the Taco Bell. By the end of the night, I would guess we had up to 75 people in Taco Bell at one time. I wonder went through the minds of the people who were passing by and saw that many people standing front of Taco Bell and especially the grand total of three other groups that came into the stroe the entire night. One guy even stopped to wish Phil a happy birthday as he came through the drive thru. Overall, the party was a smashing success. It was a very original idea that worked perfectly and provided us with an eciting Friday night.

Sleep on Friday Night- 2 a.m til 8 a.m

Now, I will give you a play by play analysis of my "Can you feel the love tonight Dance" Saturday day/night/early morning of Sunday. So here goes it:

8 a.m- Wake up. Ref two soccer games; earn $33 (which is exactly what I spent on the dance.)

12: 30p.m- Get home. Eat lunch.

1:30-3:15- Take a much needed nap.

3:15-3:50- Wake up. Take a shower. Get ready for the dance.

3:50-4:50- Spent one hour trying to locate and get to Athanasis's house. Very difficult considering Map Quest gave us shitty directions.

5-6:30- Leave A's house. Go pick up his date. Go pick up my date. Go pick up Justin and his date. Head to Buckhead's.

6:30-8:15: Eat dinner with Phil, Andrew, A, Mike, Scott, Siram, Neil, Justin, and Jimmy. Leave for the dance.

8:15-8:45- Have some difficulty navigating outseves ot teh KFEC. We did make it though.

8:45-Midnight- Get my groove on. Everyone there can attest to the fact that I was the best dancer in the entire place. The dance was really fun and I'm really glad I decided to go.

Midnight- 2 am- Drive ourselves to Ten Pin for our Lat Night Bowling Extravaganza. Phil won, but of course he cheated. I amzed that I got the ball down the entire lane all but one time. Man, was I tired. I rolled a 83, possibly. I can't exactly remember. But I have to admit by oufti was amazingly cool. White T-shirt wiht my sports coat and bowling shoes. I though I sorta resembled Ben Stein.

2-2:15- Take Olivia home while everyone else is taking their dates home. Me, Mike, Neil, and A wait for the other guys at Steak and Shake so we can drive back to his house. Picked up a hat for myslef.

2:30-3:00- Make our way to A's house.

3:00-5- Waste the rest of the night away as Phil strummed us some tunes on his guitar. Played a little ping-pong.

Amount of sleep: 3 hours of actual good sleep.

So, there is my weekend folks. Very excitng and lots of fun. But now I have absolutely no energy and school is bound to be very boring and long tomorrow. Wis me luck!


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