Sal The Silly Goose
  Damn blogger. I have attempted to place a few pictures within my blog lately, but Blogger is retarded. I actually have learned the skills to do this in HTML class and Blogger seems to have set up its own damn rules. There is a code for a reason Blogger! Yet another thing attempting to make my life difficult. But instead of searching for the reason it won't let me do it, I'm going to use a different method and Blogger can go to hell.

The picture is todays Garfield comic strip. I am not a fan of Garfield, but todays comic was great. It sums up my last blog amazingly well. So take a look.

There is no better way to descirbe the holiday season.
  Let It Be Christmas!
The best time of the year is finally here! And I have no better way to say, so I'll let Alan Jackson express the feeling.
"Let it be Christmas everywhere
In the hearts of all people both near and afar
Christmas everywhere
Feel the love of the season wherever you are"
"Let it be Christmas everywhere
In the songs that we sing and the gifts that we bring
Christmas everywhere
In what this day means and what we believe"
We wait all year for these few precious days and it has finally arrived. All the joys of this season are on their way and I couldn't be more excited. It seems as everything else just disappers for this short month and everyone is full of cheer. For once you can actually see the good in all the people around you. Then there are the amazing sights, smells, and feelings you only experience this time of the year. Oh, those truly beautiful experiences.
  Gobble, Gobble Happy Turkey Day everyone! Hope you have a great day. I'm watching some football now, and soon I get to enjoy some great food and time with the family. Don't eat to much guys and gals. The radical idea this year is portion control. Haha. Whatever that is.">

Enjoy the Turkey.

And remember its only 1 month until Christmas.
  Stop and Smell the Roses A while ago in English class, My Yocum told us an interesting story. Percy Shelly, the famous British author, died an unfortunate death by drowning. When they found his body they could not immediatly identify it. They finally were able to identify the body by using what they found in his pockets- his two favorite books. I got to thinking, but couldn't really decide what I would have in my pockets that people could use to identify me. So, I decided to give it a Thanksgiving twist. What would you want people to know you were thankful for in your life if you were to suddenly cease to exist?

We all have tons to be thankful for in our life, but rarely do we get or take the time to recognize nice these blessings. Luckily, I had the oppurtunity to realize this on retreat and now tend to take a bit more time to be thankful. Now, its the time of the year where most Americans take time to step back and be thankful. But have you ever really done this on Thanksgiving? Make it your goal this year to be truly thankful for every gift in your life. We have a lot.

So, what is it that I'm thankful for? Too much to be counted, but I'll give you some insight.

I'm thankful for your comments.

Thats what I've got, what about you? I'm thankful for Thanksgiving.


  I'm Glad I'm Not Like That Guy That's what I found myself saying a lot last night as I watched the 2 hour premier of the best show on television, The Amazing Race. It has always been an entertaing show to watch and it seems to be all fun and games. But if you look at it from a different perspective, you realize how many people there on in the world like those on the show. I'm talking obnoxious, ignorant people who care only about themselves and getting what they want. There are ones that stand out and I usually hate them with a passion but they all did it. The berated their teamates, who are a sinbling, spouse, or some other kind of significant other, when they did wrong and never failed to mention that they could do it better. Later instances would prove that they are wrong. The How do these people fail to realize that they are doing these things, or is it that they don't care.

I hope I'm not like the people on this show, but if I am I hope I can change it. It's all part of the "ME FIRST" attitude our how society is a part of. Another example is sports. No longer are sports about the team as a whole. It is all a result of the dawning of the "Superstar". Ray Lewis celebrates after every tackle he makes! Message for Ray Lewis: IT"S YOUR JOB! And they pay you way to much to do it as it is. Shaq leaves the best team in the NBA since Jordan and his bulls because he isn't the only star on his team. Honestly, I think he is a total jackass. And then there is baseball. Bonds just won his 7th MVP Award. I didn't know swinging to hit homeruns while jacked up on steriods and not getting your team to the playoffs made you an MVP. Oh wait, he's a superstar. That makes sense then.

The connecting variable between reality TV and pro sports is money. Does money really have that much of a stranglehold of American society? Thats pretty sad. What is it about money that will make us do anything to get ahold of it? I can tell you that all I want when I grow up is a job that makes me happy. If it comes wiht money, all the better. All I wanted to do while watching The Amazing Race was to enjoy it. So, next week that is what I'm going to do. Hopefully someone on the show we'll realize that the oppurtunity that lies ahead of them is more about enjoying the person they are with and the adventure than winning the money. Why's it always gotta be "Show me the money!"

Let's get back to the simple things in life. Today, I listened to my first Christmas song of the season and I think I made a good choice. It really ties in with what I'm trying to say.

"In the smiles of all children asleep in their beds
In the eyes of young babies their first fallen snow
Elderlys' memories that never grow old
Let it be Christmas everywhere"
Take that as you wish. And even though the Christmas season is not yet here, I'm excited.

  Busy Beaver Another week has come and gone. We are getting further and further into the dark months of winter and I have just one thing to say: NOVEMBER SUCKS. There are fewer and fewer things to do, its cold but there is now snow, and it gets dark way to freaking early. But thorugh it all, its been a very busy week. Get excited folks, Christmas is only six weeks away. And when Xmas comes so does a long break and I get my liscense. Better get to writing a list of things I want. It really isn't that much.

As for the week, it was long. It definently does not seem that I've only been back one week from retreat. Time doesn't always fly by I guess. I guess I took something out of retreat and made more out of each day. Or maybe it was five days of school with lots of make up work to do. I think I have gotten all of it done except one vocab quiz I need to do this week. This week is a four day week followed by a two day week next week for Thanksgiving. I am thankful we can be thankful on Thanksgiving. And the days off of school are a nice bonus.

So, did this long week reveal any exciting happenings for me? Well, yes. Quite a few to be exact. Wednesday was a early dismissal day. Also on Wednesday I brought in tons of can goods for Dare to Care and won some donuts for homeroom on Friday. Mmmm..donuts. And I was really happy on Friday cause I got a 94 on a physics test I thought I knew nothing for.

Luckily for me, the long week was followed by a long weekend. No school today for me. ,maybe I'll do some of those papers I've been putting off for weeks. But for now, I'll give you the Weekend Report. Yeah, I know its not entirely too exciting but its all I got. I keep trying to find other things to write about and I keep coming up empty. By the look of things, it looks like others are at a loss too. I'll attempt to just give you the higlights.

And now for the mind numbing quote of the day: "If you've never stared off into the distance than your life is a shame." Counting Crows- Mrs. Potters Lullaby

Band of the Week: Guster

  Chillin' Out Yes, I am writing a blog about retreat, but I'm not quite finished with it yet. There is a lot for me to mention and it's going to take a while to get it all in order. For now, I'll tell you about my Saturday. I was quite the popular guy today. I guess people couldn't survive without me these past few days. Sometime during all my conversations, Kristen called me. Kristen is such an awesome girl. She decided we should go ice skating tonight. I hadn't done that in quite a while and I knew it would be fun. So we met up at Iceland at 8 for a night of skating fun. To my delight, Maggie came to and I haven't seen her in a while. I had tons of fun wiht her tonight. Hillary and Will, plus a few girls I didn't know were there too. But I always love to meet new people. Luckily for me, they had given Maggie and extra wrsit band so I got to skate for free. Yay for that. So we laced up our skates (or snapped them up) and headed on to the freshly Zamboni-ed ice. I took the first spill aftee trying to skate to fast. You must gradually work up to a fast pace. Then, Lisa and Kiernan showed up and Lisa practically tackled me on the ice, which was hilarious. I layed on the ice laughing for a couple minutes. I know I hadn't seen Lisa in two weeks, but she didn't have to tackle me. Haha. I always love to hang out with Lisa, and it was good to see Kiernan after hanging out wiht him on retreat. We skated some more, until yet some more people showed up. Yay for more people. And awesomely, it was PHIL! He yelled my name as I skated past the entrance and I fell down as I turned to see who it was. They hung out with us for awhile until the were kicked out becasue they were too cheap to buy skates. Ha. We left the ice rink at 10 and headed to Starbucks for some hot chocolate and to just chill. I didn't dare buy the expensice coffee but instead bought a Jones Soda. My fortuned was lame though, but everyone still tested it out. It said "Look up (now)". There was nothing there except a black ceiling. We must have missed something. Then we met up with even more people. Some of Kristen's friends showed up. The one of them was like, "I know you from somewhere, but I can't think of it." Then he asked if I played quick recall. Well, it turns out this guy remembers me from the times he played me in quick recall. Thats crazy. There was a guy playing music at Starbucks and Maggie is crazy so she wanted to dance. I danced with her for a while, even though I'm a lusy dancer. Then we decided we wanted to request a song. So we sat down and waited for him to finish his current song. Then we request my favortie all time song, "A Long December" by the Counting Crows. It was awesome. Then sadly, my night came to a close. It was great night though and it was awesome to see so many of my friends after being gone all week.

LIVE the 4th!

  It's a Frenzy! Can You Keep Up?

Reasons 1-5: If you don't vote, P-Diddy will kill you.

Have a good rest of the week. Leave me a message. Tell me how aweseom I am in honor of my reatreat. Julie (or anyone else for that matter) feel free to leave that retreat letter in my comment box or drop me and email with it. ( It would be awesome to hear from anyone who wants to write me one. And now, I am done. Happy All Saints Day!

Where is the Watch the Lamb, you ask? I don't really know. Maybe he will return fro Lent next year. For now, we have Sal the Silly Goose to keep us company. Put your hands to together for him and give him a warm welcome.
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