Sal The Silly Goose
  Busy Beaver Another week has come and gone. We are getting further and further into the dark months of winter and I have just one thing to say: NOVEMBER SUCKS. There are fewer and fewer things to do, its cold but there is now snow, and it gets dark way to freaking early. But thorugh it all, its been a very busy week. Get excited folks, Christmas is only six weeks away. And when Xmas comes so does a long break and I get my liscense. Better get to writing a list of things I want. It really isn't that much.

As for the week, it was long. It definently does not seem that I've only been back one week from retreat. Time doesn't always fly by I guess. I guess I took something out of retreat and made more out of each day. Or maybe it was five days of school with lots of make up work to do. I think I have gotten all of it done except one vocab quiz I need to do this week. This week is a four day week followed by a two day week next week for Thanksgiving. I am thankful we can be thankful on Thanksgiving. And the days off of school are a nice bonus.

So, did this long week reveal any exciting happenings for me? Well, yes. Quite a few to be exact. Wednesday was a early dismissal day. Also on Wednesday I brought in tons of can goods for Dare to Care and won some donuts for homeroom on Friday. Mmmm..donuts. And I was really happy on Friday cause I got a 94 on a physics test I thought I knew nothing for.

Luckily for me, the long week was followed by a long weekend. No school today for me. ,maybe I'll do some of those papers I've been putting off for weeks. But for now, I'll give you the Weekend Report. Yeah, I know its not entirely too exciting but its all I got. I keep trying to find other things to write about and I keep coming up empty. By the look of things, it looks like others are at a loss too. I'll attempt to just give you the higlights.

And now for the mind numbing quote of the day: "If you've never stared off into the distance than your life is a shame." Counting Crows- Mrs. Potters Lullaby

Band of the Week: Guster


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Where is the Watch the Lamb, you ask? I don't really know. Maybe he will return fro Lent next year. For now, we have Sal the Silly Goose to keep us company. Put your hands to together for him and give him a warm welcome.
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