Sal The Silly Goose
  I'm Glad I'm Not Like That Guy That's what I found myself saying a lot last night as I watched the 2 hour premier of the best show on television, The Amazing Race. It has always been an entertaing show to watch and it seems to be all fun and games. But if you look at it from a different perspective, you realize how many people there on in the world like those on the show. I'm talking obnoxious, ignorant people who care only about themselves and getting what they want. There are ones that stand out and I usually hate them with a passion but they all did it. The berated their teamates, who are a sinbling, spouse, or some other kind of significant other, when they did wrong and never failed to mention that they could do it better. Later instances would prove that they are wrong. The How do these people fail to realize that they are doing these things, or is it that they don't care.

I hope I'm not like the people on this show, but if I am I hope I can change it. It's all part of the "ME FIRST" attitude our how society is a part of. Another example is sports. No longer are sports about the team as a whole. It is all a result of the dawning of the "Superstar". Ray Lewis celebrates after every tackle he makes! Message for Ray Lewis: IT"S YOUR JOB! And they pay you way to much to do it as it is. Shaq leaves the best team in the NBA since Jordan and his bulls because he isn't the only star on his team. Honestly, I think he is a total jackass. And then there is baseball. Bonds just won his 7th MVP Award. I didn't know swinging to hit homeruns while jacked up on steriods and not getting your team to the playoffs made you an MVP. Oh wait, he's a superstar. That makes sense then.

The connecting variable between reality TV and pro sports is money. Does money really have that much of a stranglehold of American society? Thats pretty sad. What is it about money that will make us do anything to get ahold of it? I can tell you that all I want when I grow up is a job that makes me happy. If it comes wiht money, all the better. All I wanted to do while watching The Amazing Race was to enjoy it. So, next week that is what I'm going to do. Hopefully someone on the show we'll realize that the oppurtunity that lies ahead of them is more about enjoying the person they are with and the adventure than winning the money. Why's it always gotta be "Show me the money!"

Let's get back to the simple things in life. Today, I listened to my first Christmas song of the season and I think I made a good choice. It really ties in with what I'm trying to say.

"In the smiles of all children asleep in their beds
In the eyes of young babies their first fallen snow
Elderlys' memories that never grow old
Let it be Christmas everywhere"
Take that as you wish. And even though the Christmas season is not yet here, I'm excited.


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