Sal The Silly Goose
  Wanna Go to a Bangin' Party, yo? Tomorrow, America celebrates yet another birthday. Even though 200+ years may seem like a long time, it's not when your talking about the age of a country. After you realize how young the US is, its hard to grasp how much we have accomplished in that short span of time. Our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence and we haven't looked back, leaving the rest of the world in the dust. Yes, sometimes we believe we can use our power however and whenever we like, but most of the time we do it for the good of everyone involved. That is what the 4th of July is all about. It is a time for us to set aside our differences and celebrate the good things about America. After returning from a trip across the Atlantic, I couldn't be prouder to be American. In my eyes it is easily the best place on the face of the earth. Tomorrow I get to enjoy the best of what it has to offer. Good people, good food, lots of fun, and fireworks to cap it all off.

Don't let the happenings in the Middle East stop you from celebrating the fact that you live in the best country the world has to offer. Put out your flag, cover yourself with all the red, white, and blue clothes you have, and shoot of all the fireworks you please, even though some are illegal. Celebrate it because you can. Do it for those in countries like Iraq who cannot. Its our right and our privilege to celebrate our freedom.

Tomorrow is a day when I can honestly say I like to hear Aaron Tippins overly patriotic song, "Where the Stars and Stripes,and Eagle Fly" He sums up the way you should feel tomorrow pretty well. "Yeah, I've seen enough to know that we've got it good.." True. Tomorrow is the day we should definently be thankful for our good fortune.

"No, it ain't (yes, he said ain't. God Bless 'im.) the only place on earth But it's the only place that I prefer.." You can say that again. There is no other place on this earth i would like to settle down and live. I want to travel the globe, but I only want to live here.

"I pledge allegiance to this flag And if that bothers you, well that's too bad.." The 4th of July is the one day I can truly say this and not care what anyone thinks. It's our day, it's our country's flag, and if someone has a problem with that, well...thats too bad. I can't help that I was born and live here. I'm thankful for it, but I'm not gonna hold back becasue you don't like my country. Get over it. Make peace not war.

But now to the question that is that title of this blog. Do you? Well come to my place at 2 o'clock tomorrow. You already missed one bangin' party today, not to mention my fireworks spectacular. Make sure you don't miss the next party. Be there or be square.

|| Sal the Silly Goose || 

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