Sal The Silly Goose
  Is That 14 Guns In Your Pants, or Are You Just Happy To See Me Love him or hate him, Micheal Moore is an in your face type of guy. He gives you the facts, but also never forgets to keep the humor in there. When I got home from school on Wednesday, my brother popped in "Bowling for Columbine" which I had not had the pleasure of watching before. So I sat down and watched all 2 hours of it and was extremely pleased. At the same time, I ws extremely horrified. It allowed me to see the many horrible deeds our society can commit all in one sitting. That does not leave you with a pleasent aftertaste.

We could debate for hours what rights the 2nd Ammendment acctualy gives the people of the US. I will not budge from my postion, but nor will the "gun nuts" of our nation. All I can hope is that I can say my peice and something will actually click in their brains that guns ARE a huge problem. For a while, I have been wondering why the documnetary was called "Bowling for Columbine". Moore explains this thorughout the movie. First, it was the last thing the two physchos in Columbine did before there rampage. Second, Moore attempts to prove that bowling is just as plausible for the rampage as other things are. In essence, he is retorting the bogus claims "gun nuts" use to explain their "right" to own a gun by making a bogus claim himself. Bowling doesn't cause people to kill nor does any other single thing. There are always gonna be crazy people out there who want to kill. It is much less likely to occur if we get the guns out of our country.

Instead of writing the reasons I believe my view that guns should be outlawed is correct, I will tell you the most frightening things I saw in the film. We all know America has the most murders throught the use of guns of any developed country. But are you aware of how large our "lead" is? Take a look at these numbers. In 2003, America had 11,375 murders. You read that correctly, over 11,000 deaths due to gun murders. So, who is in second you ask? Germany follows with a meer 365 murders a year. I'm not even going to do that math for you. I'll jsut let you know its an insanely large gap. And to think I am actually proud to live in this country. In the film, Moore goes across the border of one of the deadlest cities in the US to a Canadian town of 400,000. Just across the river from Detroit, this town has had one murder in the past three years. Guess what? It was commited by a Detroit citizen. Great, now we are taking our problems across the border. Lets not forget about the gun Micheal gets at the beginning of the film as a gift for opening a bank account. I knew they gave away toasters and such, but guns? That is ridiculous. The lady said they always had 47 different types of guns in there vaults. I want to know if there is any money in the vault.

It is amazing how fearful is our society is. It seems as if everyone thiks everyone is out to get them. We dwell on the bad in everything. It seeps into every part of our beings. If our car doesn't ending up killing us, it will be some terrorist from Iraq. Take the Terror Alert Scale. I never pay attention to it, but I could bet many Americans base there lives off of it. Look honey, the alert is RED, get the gas masks out. What a load of bullshit. Is Mr. Bush trying to keep us from living our daily lives. I don't live in fear, but many do. Why waster your life wondering if your going to die? I'd rather die unexpectedly while enjoying life, then living fearing that I was going to die. Stop dwelling on the bad. I want to hear the good in our world.

Our nation is not going to change overnight. The reasons people kill are not going to disappear. No one can put a finger on the reasons we kill each other. They vary way too much. So what is a quicker solution to the problem? Gun control is the answer. I belive they should be outlawed. Yes, this alone will not end the problem. It starts in the home. Parental guidance is key to safer world. For me, the fact that murder is wrong seems to have been embedded ion my brain long before I could even think for myself. I contribute this to the fact that I grew up in a stable home with a loving family. This is where the solution must begin. For now, we can only make the people around us aware. Keep guns out of your home, teach your kids the severity of murder and gun use, and most of all, use common sense. The whole dilemma doesn't seem to hard to me.

Where is the Watch the Lamb, you ask? I don't really know. Maybe he will return fro Lent next year. For now, we have Sal the Silly Goose to keep us company. Put your hands to together for him and give him a warm welcome.
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